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Lavender Oil Bulgaria

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Lavender Oil Bulgaria

The Bulgarian Lavender has a softer gentler aroma

Category: Essential Oils



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However, a multitude of lavender essential oil variations exists, each possessing distinct aromatic, medicinal, and emotional well-being advantages. The dissimilarities amidst lavender oils stem from factors such as the plant's variety, species, origins, and cultivation and processing methods.

Bulgarian lavender essential oil sets itself apart from its counterparts through readily apparent distinctions – one of the initial observations is its notably heightened and assertive fragrance. Consequently, Bulgarian lavender finds favor in perfumery applications, surpassing its English equivalent, which carries a greater camphor content and a more medicinal scent.

Bulgarian lavender oil, known for its captivating scent and therapeutic properties, has been cherished for centuries. It's not just an essential oil; it's a journey into nature's lap, where serenity and healing blend seamlessly.

The Lavender Legacy
Lavender's legacy spans cultures and civilizations. From ancient Egypt to medieval Europe, its scent was embraced for its calming influence. Bulgarian lavender, in particular, owes its excellence to the unique climate and soil conditions of the Balkan region, resulting in an oil with unparalleled quality and potency.

Distillation Process: Capturing Nature's Essence
The process of creating Bulgarian lavender oil is an art. The delicate flowers are carefully harvested, and through steam distillation, their essence is captured drop by drop. This meticulous process preserves the oil's natural compounds, ensuring it retains its therapeutic properties.


1. Calming Aromatherapy
The soothing aroma of Bulgarian lavender oil is a balm for the mind and soul. Inhaling its scent helps reduce stress, anxiety, and tension, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.

2. Sleep Inducer
Struggling with sleep? A few drops of this oil on your pillow can work wonders. Its sedative properties have been cherished for centuries to induce peaceful sleep.

3. Skin Serenity
Bulgarian lavender oil is a treasure trove for skincare enthusiasts. Its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic qualities make it an ideal solution for various skin issues, from acne to irritation.

4. Natural Antiseptic
With powerful antibacterial properties, this oil serves as a natural antiseptic for minor cuts, burns, and insect bites, promoting quick healing.

5. Mood Enhancer
Feeling down? Inhale the enchanting aroma of Bulgarian lavender oil. It acts as a natural mood enhancer, lifting spirits and combating feelings of sadness.

Applications of Bulgarian Lavender Oil

1. Aromatherapy Delight
Add a few drops of Bulgarian lavender oil to a diffuser for an aromatic oasis at home. Let the calming scent melt away stress and create an ambiance of tranquility.

2. Beauty and Skincare
Revamp your skincare routine with a few drops of this oil. Mix it with carrier oils to create personalized serums, masks, or even a relaxing bath.

3. Household Harmony
Bid farewell to harsh chemical cleaners. Mix Bulgarian lavender oil with water and vinegar for a natural, aromatic, and effective cleaning solution.

4. Holistic Healing
From massages to compresses, this oil enriches holistic practices. Its versatility makes it a must-have in your wellness toolkit.

Embracing Bulgarian Lavender Oil in Your Routine
Incorporating this oil into your routine is effortless. From diffusing it during meditation to adding a few drops to your moisturizer, its versatility makes it a seamless addition to your lifestyle.


  • Botanical Name:

Lavandula Angustifolia oil

  • CAS No:
  • Country of Origin:
  • Origin of part used:
  • Form:
  • Extraction or Processing Method:
Steam Distillation
  • Blends with well:
Ylang ylang, citronella, clary sage, orange, thyme, rosemary, jasmine, lemon, bergamot, and chamomile.
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